The Pargasblue Mk1 Fanwebsite
The Pargasblue Mk1 Fanwebsite

My Pargasblue Mk1

Pics, Facs and Modifys




22.06.1983  Built on for VZ Rhein-Ruhr, Ratingen

06.07.1983  Deliverydate

01.07.1983  1. official Owner

09.03.2017  2. official Owner (me)


Built Facs..

Model: 171 123, VW Golf CL Automatic

Engine: JB 70PS / 51KW mit 1,5l

Color: LB5A Pargasblau

Interiör: Polster Streifengewirke Balear/blau

Extras: Z81 Schlechtwetterpaket, verstärkter Drehstromgenerator 65A, zwei HalogenHSW, integrierte Nebenschlußleuchte, 63A Batterie, M183 Beckengurt hinten Mitte, M184 Dreipunkt-Automatik Sicherheitsgurte vorn, M186 Dreipunkt-Automatik Sicherheitsgurte hinten, M258 Kopfstützen für Vordersitze, S732 Typschilder für Inlandsfahrzeuge


Built Plans.. (To Dos)

FP Engine with 40iger Weber Intakes

5 Gear Setup

16" BBS Jubi Wheels

Discbrakes front (Opel) and rear (Gti) 5/100

Novus Stainlesssteel Exhaust (Gti Look)

Greencolor Glasses around 

No Heating Glas rear

Green Popout Windows front

US Parts full complete (Lights, Harness, Saftybrakets..)

US Rearsetup with small Tails

Interior full reborn in OEM+ (detailed in black Alcantara with blue lines)



Built Pics.. some pargasblue Details

here some pics to look how it grows... have fun


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